A clear path to net-zero aviation

CleanJoule creates accessible, affordable, and abundant sustainable aviation fuel, decreasing the aerospace industry’s reliance on fossil fuels.
Our TechnologyOur SAF Partners & Customers
SAF demand outpaces supply
New pathways, with abundant feedstocks, are necessary to accelerate production and ensure our industry’s growth.
Our opportunity-
65 %
of emissions reduction will come from SAF to meet IATA’s 2050 net-zero goals
160 B
gallons of aviation fuel needed to power air travel volume in 2050
$ 480 B
dollars will be spent on aviation fuel in 2050

100% SAF Takes Our Industry Farther
Today planes run predominantly on Jet A with SAF making up less than 1% of total fuel in the market. Over the coming years, however, the pace of production will rapidly accelerate, meaning that future flights will run first on 10-50% SAF, and ultimately on 100% SAF enabled by CleanJoule’s CycloSAF, which delivers 10% greater energy density than Jet A. 100% SAF can take you farther.

Our SAF is accessible, affordable, and abundant
Diverse feedstocks include agricultural and forestry residue
10% more energy dense than typical Jet A
No technical need to blend with Jet A, enabling 100% SAF
Drop-in replacement for Jet A and rocket fuel
Accepted into ASTM International’s Qualification Process